Query the contrast database with a set of contrasts

  use = c("expressed.in.both", "all.genes"),
  exprThr = 0.25,
  organism = c("Human", "Mouse"),
  plotType = c("violin", "manh", "none"),
  detailTopn = 10,
  verbose = TRUE,
  BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam(),
  chunk_size = 500,
  mode = c("ANALYSIS", "DEMO")



A SummarizedExperiment object with assays containing contrasts named INPUT_CONTRASTS, DECODED_CONTRASTS and RESIDUAL_CONTRASTS (at least one should be present) and context information in an assay named CONTEXT. The latter is only required when use="expressed.in.both". This is typically generated using decomposeVar.


Determines if all.genes or genes expressed in both query and target context will be used. Note that "expressed.in.both", though more accurate, is slower.


is the quantile in the provided context that determines the expression value above which a gene is considered to be expressed. This same value is then used for thresholding the contrast database. Only applies when use="expressed.in.both".


Uses the `orthosData` contrast database from this species. One of "Human" or "Mouse".


Select the type of visualization for the query results "violin", "manh" or "none" to suppress the plotting.


specifies the number of top hits for which metadata will be returned in the TopHits slot of the results.


Logical scalar indicating whether to print messages along the way.


BiocParallelParam object specifying how parallelization is to be performed using e.g. MulticoreParam) or SnowParam).


Column dimension for the grid used to read blocks from the HDF5 Matrix. Sizes between 250 and 1000 are recommended. Smaller sizes reduce memory usage.


When in "ANALYSIS" mode (default) the complete contrast DB is queried. "DEMO" mode employs a small "toy" database for the queries. "DEMO" should only be used for testing/demonstration purposes and never for actual analysis purposes.


A list with three elements called "pearson.rhos", "zscores" and "TopHits", containing raw and z-scored Pearson's rho correlation coefficients between the query contrast(s) and the contrasts in the database, as well as detailed metadata for the detailTopn best hits.


Panagiotis Papasaikas


MKL1_human <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "GSE215150_MKL1_Human.rds",
package = "orthos"))

# Decompose contrasts:
dec_MKL1_human <- decomposeVar(M = MKL1_human, treatm = c(2, 3), cntr = c(1, 1), 
                               organism = "Human", verbose = FALSE)
#> see ?orthosData and browseVignettes('orthosData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> see ?orthosData and browseVignettes('orthosData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> see ?orthosData and browseVignettes('orthosData') for documentation
#> loading from cache

# Perform query against contrast DB with the decomposed fractions.
# !!!Note!!! mode="DEMO" for demonstration purposes only.                             
params <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = 2)                              
query.res.human <- queryWithContrasts(dec_MKL1_human, organism = "Human", 
                                      BPPARAM = params, verbose = FALSE, 
                                      mode = "DEMO")
#> demo_decomposed_contrasts_human_rds  already present in cache at: /Users/runner/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/ExperimentHub/human_v212_NDF_c100_DEMOse.rds
#> demo_decomposed_contrasts_human_hdf5  already present in cache at: /Users/runner/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/ExperimentHub/human_v212_NDF_c100_DEMOassays.h5