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Read modification data from bamfiles for a chunk of the genome defined by region (by calling readModBam and aggregate modified and total counts for windows.


  modProbThreshold = 0.5,
  sampleAnnot = NULL,
  seqinfo = NULL,
  sequenceContextWidth = 0,
  sequenceReference = NULL,
  sequenceContext = NULL,
  windowMode = "fixed",
  windowSize = 24,
  windowStep = round(windowSize/2),
  BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(4L, RNGseed = 42L),
  verbose = FALSE



Character vector with one or several modBam file names. Note that no read-filtering will be performed on the data from these files, so possibly the files should contain only filtered alignments.


A GRanges object specifying which genomic region to extract the reads from. Alternatively, the regions can be specified as a character scalar (e.g. "chr1:1200-1300") that can be coerced into a GRanges object.


Character vector defining the modified base to extract.


A numeric scalar, indicating the modification probability threshold to use to classify a base as 'modified' or 'unmodified'.


A data.frame (or NULL) providing annotations for the samples. It must contain at least one column, named "sample", which must contain all the values of names(bamfiles). The provided annotations will be propagated to the returned SummarizedExperiment object.


NULL or a Seqinfo object containing information about the set of genomic sequences (chromosomes). Alternatively, a named numeric vector with genomic sequence names and lengths. Useful to set the sorting order of sequence names.

sequenceContextWidth, sequenceReference

Define the sequence context to be extracted around modified bases. By default ( sequenceContextWidth = 0), no sequence context will be extracted, otherwise it will be returned in rowData(x)$sequenceContext. See addSeqContext for details.


A character vector with sequence contexts to retain. To apply this filter, the arguments "sequenceContextWidth" and "sequenceReference" must be set.


Character scalar defining how windows in region are define. Currently supported are:


: The window is of fixed size (in number of bases), corresponding to the windowSize argument value.


Numeric scalar defining the size of windows (see windowMode argument).


Numeric scalar defining the step (shift) between start positions of consecutive windows. For non-overlapping consecutive windows, windowStep should be equal to windowSize.


A BiocParallelParam object that controls the number of parallel CPU threads to use for some of the steps in readModBam(). The default value is (MulticoreParam(4L, RNGseed = 42L)). If randomly sampling reads (nAlnsToSample > 0), make sure to set the RNGseed argument when constructing the BPPARAM object for reproducible results (see also vignette("Random_Numbers", package = "BiocParallel")).


Logical scalar. If TRUE, report on progress.


A SummarizedExperiment object with columns corresponding to samples (the elements of bamfiles) and rows corresponding to windows in region. The object contains the assays "Nmod" and "Nvalid" containing the number of modified and total (valid) bases in each window and sample, respectively.


Panagiotis Papasaikas, Sebastien Smallwood, Charlotte Soneson, Michael Stadler


modbamfiles <- system.file("extdata",
                           c("6mA_1_10reads.bam", "6mA_2_10reads.bam"),
                           package = "footprintR")
gnmfasta <- system.file("extdata", "reference.fa.gz", package = "footprintR")
quantifyWindowsInRegion(bamfiles = modbamfiles,
                        region = "chr1:6940000-6955000",
                        modbase = "a",
                        sequenceContextWidth = 1,
                        sequenceReference = gnmfasta,
                        sequenceContext = "A",
                        BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 134 2 
#> metadata(1): readLevelData
#> assays(2): Nmod Nvalid
#> rownames(134): 1 2 ... 133 134
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(2): s1 s2
#> colData names(2): sample modbase
quantifyWindowsInRegion(bamfiles = modbamfiles,
                        region = "chr1:6940000-6955000",
                        modbase = "a",
                        BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 134 2 
#> metadata(1): readLevelData
#> assays(2): Nmod Nvalid
#> rownames(134): 1 2 ... 133 134
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(2): s1 s2
#> colData names(2): sample modbase