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Parse ML and MM tags (see, section 1.7) and return a SummarizedExperiment object with information on modified bases. Implicitly called bases will get a modification probability of zero. Secondary and supplementary alignments are ignored.


  regions = NULL,
  level = ifelse(nAlnsToSample == 0 & is.null(variantPositions), "quickread", "read"),
  sampleAnnot = NULL,
  nAlnsToSample = 0,
  seqnamesToSampleFrom = "chr19",
  seqinfo = NULL,
  sequenceContextWidth = 0,
  sequenceReference = NULL,
  variantPositions = NULL,
  modProbThreshold = 0.5,
  trim = FALSE,
  BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(4L, RNGseed = 42L),
  verbose = FALSE



Character vector with one or several paths of modBAM files, containing information about base modifications in MM and ML tags. If bamfiles is a named vector, the names are used as sample names and prefixes for read names. Otherwise, the prefixes will be s1, ..., sN, where N is the length of bamfiles. All bamfiles must have an index.


A GRanges object specifying which genomic regions to extract the reads from. Alternatively, regions can be specified as a character vector (e.g. "chr1:1200-1300", "chr2:-6000" or "chrM") that will be coerced into a GRanges object. If the end coordinate is not provided (for example in "chr1:10-", which means "to the end of chr1"), it will be obtained from seqinfo or default to a large value if seqinfo is not provided. Note that unless trim=TRUE, the reads are not trimmed to the boundaries of the specified ranges. As a result, returned positions will typically extend out of the specified regions. If nAlnsToSample is set to a non-zero value, regions is ignored.


Character vector defining the modified base for each sample. If modbase is a named vector, the names should correspond to the names of bamfiles. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the elements are in the same order as the files in bamfiles. If modbase has length 1, the same modified base will be used for all samples.


Character scalar specifying the level of returned modification data. Supported values are:


: Extracts modification probabilities for individual reads into an assay called "mod_prob", with each column (sample) consisting of a position-by-read NaMatrix. This is the default if nAlnsToSample is non-zero or variantPositions is not NULL.


: Like "read", but runs faster, does not support read sampling, and does not return all annotations currently provided by "read". This is the default if nAlnsToSample is zero and variantPositions is NULL.


: Counts the total and modified bases for each position and strand and returns them in assays named "Nvalid" and "Nmod", respectively, as well as the Nmod/Nvalid ratio in the assay "FracMod".


A data.frame (or NULL) providing annotations for the samples. It must contain at least one column, named "sample", which must contain all the values of names(bamfiles). The provided annotations will be propagated to the returned SummarizedExperiment object.


A numeric scalar. If non-zero, regions is ignored and approximately nAlnsToSample randomly selected alignments on seqnamesToSampleFrom are read from each of the bamfiles. In order to make the results reproducible, make sure to set the RNGseed argument in the provided BPPARAM object (see below). Please note that secondary and supplementary alignments in bamfiles contribute to the total number of alignments but will not be sampled, thus the number of returned alignments may be lower than nAlnsToSample.


A character vector with one or several sequence names (chromosomes) from which to sample alignments from (only used if nAlnsToSample is greater than zero).


NULL or a Seqinfo object containing information about the set of genomic sequences (chromosomes). Alternatively, a named numeric vector with genomic sequence names and lengths. Useful to set the sorting order of sequence names.

sequenceContextWidth, sequenceReference

Define the sequence context to be extracted around modified bases. By default ( sequenceContextWidth = 0), no sequence context will be extracted, otherwise it will be returned in rowData(x)$sequenceContext. See addSeqContext for details.


An optional GPos object with seqnames and coordinates of single nucleotide variant positions, to be used to construct read labels for allele-specific analysis. Ignored if NULL or nAlnsToSample > 0 (sampling-mode).


A numeric scalar, indicating the modification probability threshold to use to classify a base as 'modified' or 'unmodified'. Only used if level is "summary".


A logical scalar. If TRUE, the returned SummarizedExperiment object will only contain the positions overlapping the specified regions. If FALSE (default), the object will be extended to all positions covered by the reads overlapping regions. In both cases, only reads overlapping the specified regions are included.


A BiocParallelParam object that controls the number of parallel CPU threads to use for some of the steps in readModBam(). The default value is (MulticoreParam(4L, RNGseed = 42L)). If randomly sampling reads (nAlnsToSample > 0), make sure to set the RNGseed argument when constructing the BPPARAM object for reproducible results (see also vignette("Random_Numbers", package = "BiocParallel")).


Logical scalar. If TRUE, report on progress.


A SummarizedExperiment object with genomic positions in rows and samples in columns. The assays depend on the value of the level argument (see above).

See also describing the SAM ML and MM tags for base modifications.


Michael Stadler, Charlotte Soneson


modbamfile <- system.file("extdata", "6mA_1_10reads.bam",
                          package = "footprintR")
readModBam(bamfiles = modbamfile, regions = "chr1:6940000-6955000",
           modbase = "a", verbose = TRUE,
           BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#>  extracting base modifications from modBAM files
#> ⠙ 0.000 Mio. genomic positions processed (0.002 Mio./s) [1ms]

#> ⠙ 0.000 Mio. genomic positions processed (0.002 Mio./s) [1ms]
#>  finding unique genomic positions...
#>  finding unique genomic positions... [16ms]
#> ⠙ 0.000 Mio. genomic positions processed (0.002 Mio./s) [1ms]

#>  collapsed 11300 positions to 4772 unique ones
#>  collapsed 11300 positions to 4772 unique ones [101ms]
#> ⠙ 0.000 Mio. genomic positions processed (0.002 Mio./s) [1ms]

#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 4772 1 
#> metadata(3): readLevelData variantPositions filteredOutReads
#> assays(1): mod_prob
#> rownames(4772): chr1:6925830:- chr1:6925834:- ... chr1:6941622:-
#>   chr1:6941631:-
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(1): s1
#> colData names(4): sample modbase n_reads readInfo