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Extract assay values for each read (or sample) and each position in a set of anchor regions of the same width. The anchor regions are defined by their genomic midpoint coordinate and the width.


  assayName = "mod_prob",
  anchorName = "anchor",
  prune = TRUE,
  ignore.strand = FALSE,
  reverseMinusStrandRegions = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



A SummarizedExperiment object.


Character vector, the assay(s) from which to extract values.


Either a GPos object or a character vector that can be coerced into a GPos object, representing the midpoints of the desired anchor regions.


Integer scalar, the desired width of the anchor regions. Must be an odd value.


Character scalar that gives the "sequence name" of the aligned anchor regions and will be used in generating the rowRanges of the return value.


Logical scalar. If TRUE (the default), samples for which there are no reads overlapping any of the anchor regions in any of the read-level assays in assayName will be completely removed from the returned SummarizedExperiment (also from colData). If FALSE, such samples are retained (in assays with read-level data as a zero-column NAMatrix, in other assays as a dense matrix with a single column of NA values).


Logical scalar, whether to ignore the strand information when matching anchor regions with observations. Will be passed on to GenomicRanges::match(). If TRUE, a pruning step will be applied to ensure that each genomic position is represented by at most one row in the object. If multiple rows are found corresponding to the same position (on different strands), the one with the highest number of supporting reads (determined by the Nvalid, Nmod, or mod_prob assay, in this preference order, depending on what is present in se) will be retained.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, data extracted from regions on the negative strand will be reversed before they are concatenated with the rest of the data, so that negative relative positions correspond to regions upstream of the region midpoint.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, report on progress.


A SummarizedExperiment with rows representing relative positions within an anchor region (the midpoint of the region corresponds to a relative position of 0) and columns representing samples. Each column of the assay is an NaArray (if assayName is a read-level assay) or a dense matrix (otherwise), with columns representing read-anchor region (or sample-anchor region) combinations. The region column of the colData records which anchor region a given column corresponds to. In addition, all assays will be designated as 'read-level' assays (each column represents a sample, which is in turn represented by multiple columns in the actual data, corresponding to the different regions). This allows downstream analysis similar to that for read-level data, including flattening and plotting.


Charlotte Soneson


modbamfiles <- system.file("extdata", c("6mA_1_10reads.bam", "6mA_2_10reads.bam"),
                           package = "footprintR")
se <- readModBam(bamfiles = modbamfiles, regions = "chr1:6920000-6940000",
                 modbase = "a", verbose = FALSE,
                 BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam())
se <- flattenReadLevelAssay(se)
ar <- getAnchorRegions(se, assayName = c("mod_prob", "FracMod", "Nvalid"),
                       regionMidpoints = c("chr1:6929389:-", "chr1:6935630:-"),
                       regionWidth = 9)

## Modification probabilities
#> DataFrame with 9 rows and 2 columns
#>                                        s1
#>                                <NaMatrix>
#> 1                            NA:NA:NA:...
#> 2                              0:NA:0:...
#> 3                              0:NA:0:...
#> 4 0.955078125:0.068359375:0.654296875:...
#> 5 0.455078125:0.111328125:0.994140625:...
#> 6                            NA:NA:NA:...
#> 7                            NA:NA:NA:...
#> 8                    NA:0:0.068359375:...
#> 9                            NA:NA:NA:...
#>                                        s2
#>                                <NaMatrix>
#> 1                            NA:NA:NA:...
#> 2          0.990234375:0.103515625:NA:...
#> 3 0.994140625:0.064453125:0.939453125:...
#> 4          0.990234375:0.056640625:NA:...
#> 5                   0.970703125:NA:NA:...
#> 6                            NA:NA:NA:...
#> 7                   0.955078125:NA:NA:...
#> 8          NA:0.166015625:0.423828125:...
#> 9                            NA:NA:NA:...

## Region assignment
#> DataFrame with 2 rows and 4 columns
#>         sample
#>    <character>
#> s1          s1
#> s2          s2
#>                                                                                                                              region_mod_prob
#>                                                                                                                                       <List>
#> s1 chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-
#> s2 chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-
#>                                                                                 region_FracMod
#>                                                                                         <List>
#> s1 chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6935626-6935634..:chr1:6935626-6935634:-
#> s2 chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6935626-6935634..:chr1:6935626-6935634:-
#>                                                                                  region_Nvalid
#>                                                                                         <List>
#> s1 chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6935626-6935634..:chr1:6935626-6935634:-
#> s2 chr1:6929385-6929393..:chr1:6929385-6929393:-,chr1:6935626-6935634..:chr1:6935626-6935634:-