Format columns in a data.frame.

formatTableColumns(tbl, columns, signifDigits, maxLevels = 10)



A data.frame or similar object.


Character vector giving the column names of tbl that should be formatted.


Numeric scalar, the number of significant digits to round numeric columns to. Set to NULL to skip rounding.


Numeric scalar. If character columns have at most this number of unique values, they will be encoded as factors.


The input data.frame with formatted columns.


Charlotte Soneson


df <- formatTableColumns(data.frame(x = rnorm(10),
                                    y = sample(LETTERS[seq_len(3)], 10,
                                               replace = TRUE),
                                    z = rnorm(10)),
                         columns = c("x", "y"),
                         signifDigits = 2, maxLevels = 10)
#>        x y           z
#> 1  -1.20 C  0.78017713
#> 2  -0.85 C -1.92317778
#> 3   1.60 C -0.27364949
#> 4  -2.50 B  0.60371773
#> 5   1.50 B -1.31734831
#> 6   1.30 A  0.95558863
#> 7   0.34 B  0.01285354
#> 8  -0.32 B  0.29143609
#> 9  -0.95 A -2.01680556
#> 10  0.12 A -1.59648840
#>        x          y           z          
#>  Min.   :-2.500   A:3   Min.   :-2.0168  
#>  1st Qu.:-0.925   B:4   1st Qu.:-1.5267  
#>  Median :-0.100   C:3   Median :-0.1304  
#>  Mean   :-0.096         Mean   :-0.4484  
#>  3rd Qu.: 1.060         3rd Qu.: 0.5256  
#>  Max.   : 1.600         Max.   : 0.9556  

df <- formatTableColumns(data.frame(x = rnorm(10),
                                    y = sample(LETTERS[seq_len(3)], 10,
                                               replace = TRUE),
                                    z = rnorm(10)),
                         columns = c("x", "y", "z"),
                         signifDigits = 2, maxLevels = 2)
#>         x y       z
#> 1   0.790 A  0.7600
#> 2  -0.056 C  0.5600
#> 3   2.800 A -0.1800
#> 4   0.400 B -0.0026
#> 5   2.700 A  0.5900
#> 6   1.100 B  0.1800
#> 7   1.800 A  1.4000
#> 8   1.300 A  0.8300
#> 9  -0.720 C  0.5500
#> 10 -0.260 A  0.5500
#>        x                y                   z          
#>  Min.   :-0.7200   Length:10          Min.   :-0.1800  
#>  1st Qu.: 0.0580   Class :character   1st Qu.: 0.2725  
#>  Median : 0.9450   Mode  :character   Median : 0.5550  
#>  Mean   : 0.9854                      Mean   : 0.5237  
#>  3rd Qu.: 1.6750                      3rd Qu.: 0.7175  
#>  Max.   : 2.8000                      Max.   : 1.4000