Quantify methylation of cytosines from bisulfite sequencing data.
A qProject
object from a bisulfite sequencing experiment
A GRanges
object with the regions to be
quantified. If NULL
, all available target sequences (e.g. the
whole genome) will be analyzed. Available target sequences are
extracted from the header of the first bam file.
Report results combined for C's
=“C”), the default) or individually for single
alignments (reportLevel
=“alignment”). The latter imposes
further restrictions on some arguments (see ‘Details’).
Cytosine quantification mode, one of:
: only C's in CpG context (strands combined)
: only C's in CpG context (strands separate)
: all C's (strands separate)
: variant detection (all C's, strands separate)
is the default.
, combine (sum) counts from
bamfiles with the same sample name.
, combine (sum) counts for
all cytosines contained in the same query region.
, return results as a GRanges
, the results are returned as a data.frame
An optional GRanges
object with genomic regions to
be masked, i.e. excluded from the analysis (e.g. unmappable regions).
Source of bam files; can be either “genome”
(then the alignments against the genome are used) or the name of an
auxiliary target sequence (then alignments against this target
sequence will be used). The auxiliary name must correspond to the
name contained in the auxiliary file refered by the
argument of qAlign
, only cytosines covered by at least
one alignment will be returned; keepZero
must be TRUE
if multiple samples have the same sample name and
Minimal mapping quality of alignments to be included when
counting (mapping quality must be greater than or equal to
). Valid values are between 0 and 255. The default (0)
will include all alignments.
Maximal mapping quality of alignments to be included when
counting (mapping quality must be less than or equal to mapqMax
Valid values are between 0 and 255. The default (255) will include
all alignments.
A cluster object to be used for parallel processing of multiple files (see ‘Details’).
For reportLevel
=“C”, a GRanges
object if
, otherwise a data.frame
Each row contains the coordinates of individual cytosines for
or query regions
for collapseByQueryRegion
In addition to the coordinates columns (or seqnames
and strand
slots for GRanges
each row contains per bam file:
Two values (total and methylated events, with suffixes _T and _M), or
if the qProject
object was created including a SNP table,
six values (total and methylated events for Reference, Unknown and
Alternative genotypes, with suffixed _TR, _TU, _TA, _MR, _MU and _MA).
In the latter case, C's or CpG's that overlap with SNPs in the table
are removed.
If collapseBySample
, groups of bam files with
identical sample name are combined (summed) and will be represented by
a single set of total and methylated count columns.
If mode
=“var”, the _T and _M columns correspond to total
and matching alignments overlapping the guanine paired to the cytosine.
For reportLevel
=“alignment”, a list
with one
element per bam file or sample (depending on collapseBySample
Each list element is another list with the elements:
: character vector with unique alignment identifiers
: integer vector with genomic coordinate of C base
: character vector with the strand of the C base
: integer vector with methylation state for
alignment and C defined by aid
and Cid
. The values are
1 for methylated or 0 for unmethylated states.
can be used on a qProject
object from a bisulfite
sequencing experiment (sequencing of bisulfite-converted DNA), such as
the one returned by qAlign
when its parameter
is set to a different value than “no”.
quantifies DNA methylation by counting total and
methylated events for individual cytosines, using the alignments that
have been generated in converted (three-letter) sequence space for
example by qAlign
. A methylated event corresponds
to a C/C match in the alignment, an unmethylated event to a T/C mismatch
(or G/G matches and A/G mismatches on the opposite strand). For paired-end
samples, the part of the left fragment alignment that overlaps
with the right fragment alignment is ignored, preventing the
use of redundant information coming from the same molecule.
Both directed (bisulfite
=“dir”) and undirected
=“undir”) experimental protocols are supported
by qAlign
and qMeth
By default, results are returned per C nucleotide. If
=“alignment”, results are reported separately
for individual alignments. In that case, query
has to be a
object with exactly one region, mode
has to be
either “CpG” or “allC”, the arguments
, asGRanges
, mask
have no effect and allele-specific projects are
treated in the same way as normal (non-allele specific) projects.
Using the parameter mode
, quantification can be limited to
cytosines in CpG context, and counts obtained for the two cytosines on
opposite strands within a single CpG can be combined (summed).
The quantification of methylation for all cytosines in the query region(s)
=“allC”) should be done with care, especially for
large query regions, as the return value may require a large amount of
If mode
is set to “var”, qMeth
only counts reads
from the strand opposite of the cytosine and reports total and
matching alignments. For a position identical to the reference
sequence, only matches (and very few sequencing errors) are
expected, independent on the methylation state of the cytosine. A
reduced fraction of alignments matching the reference are indicative
of sequence variations in the sequenced sample.
and mapqMax
allow to select alignments
based on their mapping qualities. mapqMin
and mapqMax
take integer values between 0 and 255 and equal to
\(-10 log_{10} Pr(\textnormal{mapping position is wrong})\), rounded to the nearest
integer. A value 255 indicates that the mapping quality is not available.
If an object that inherits from class cluster
is provided to
the clObj
argument, for example an object returned by
from package parallel,
the quantification task is split into multiple chunks and processed in
parallel using clusterApplyLB
from package
parallel. Not all tasks will be efficiently parallelized: For
example, a single query region and a single (group of) bam files will
not be split into multiple chunks.
from package parallel
# copy example data to current working directory
file.copy(system.file(package="QuasR", "extdata"), ".", recursive=TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
# create alignments
sampleFile <- "extdata/samples_bis_single.txt"
genomeFile <- "extdata/hg19sub.fa"
proj <- qAlign(sampleFile, genomeFile, bisulfite="dir")
#> alignment files missing - need to:
#> create alignment index for the genome
#> create 1 genomic alignment(s)
#> Creating an RbowtieCtoT index for /private/var/folders/2s/h6hvv9ps03xgz_krkkstvq_r0000gn/T/RtmpHtA1jk/file5ddc16c1b3df/reference/extdata/hg19sub.fa
#> Finished creating index
#> Testing the compute nodes...
#> OK
#> Loading QuasR on the compute nodes...
#> preparing to run on 1 nodes...
#> done
#> Available cores:
#> Mac-1740133007481.local: 1
#> Performing genomic alignments for 1 samples. See progress in the log file:
#> /private/var/folders/2s/h6hvv9ps03xgz_krkkstvq_r0000gn/T/RtmpHtA1jk/file5ddc16c1b3df/reference/QuasR_log_5ddc12804a57.txt
#> Genomic alignments have been created successfully
#> Project: qProject
#> Options : maxHits : 1
#> paired : no
#> splicedAlignment: FALSE
#> bisulfite : dir
#> snpFile : none
#> geneAnnotation : none
#> Aligner : Rbowtie v1.47.0 (parameters: -k 2 --best --strata -v 2)
#> Genome : /private/var/folders/2s/h6hvv9ps03xgz_krkkstvq.../hg19sub.fa (file)
#> Reads : 1 file, 1 sample (fasta format):
#> 1. bis_1_1.fa.bz2 Sample1
#> Genome alignments: directory: same as reads
#> 1. bis_1_1_5ddc24909f3e.bam
#> Aux. alignments: none
# calculate methylation states
meth <- qMeth(proj, mode="CpGcomb")
#> GRanges object with 3110 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
#> seqnames ranges strand | Sample1_T Sample1_M
#> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer> <integer>
#> [1] chr1 19-20 * | 1 1
#> [2] chr1 21-22 * | 1 1
#> [3] chr1 54-55 * | 3 1
#> [4] chr1 57-58 * | 3 0
#> [5] chr1 80-81 * | 6 5
#> ... ... ... ... . ... ...
#> [3106] chr3 44957-44958 * | 8 7
#> [3107] chr3 44977-44978 * | 5 3
#> [3108] chr3 44981-44982 * | 4 3
#> [3109] chr3 44989-44990 * | 1 1
#> [3110] chr3 44993-44994 * | 1 1
#> -------
#> seqinfo: 3 sequences from an unspecified genome